Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Let me carry this presence to the people Lord.
Let me become that vessel who makes you smile.
Let my life sing your praise, bring honor to your name.
Empty me out and fill me with what is good and what is Yours.
More, exceedingly abundantly, overfilling, till it spills over, Lord.
Hear my cry, my desperate cry for You.
All around me is a desert, only You Lord who can provide that stream of life.
Only You God who can create an oasis in the desert, a breathe of life amongst the lifeless.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Only just human
I cry out onto you.
Heal me and make me whole.
Into your arms I fall, where Your love makes me whole.
Keep my eyes afixed onto You.
In all situations, You're my God who reigns.
Who provides me the strength to carry on.
Who understands through it all.
Grant me the strength and the victory.
Walk alongside with me through all these battles.
I long to finish this race with Your gentle whisper in my ears,"Well done."
I long to come back into your arms.
Cut me off not from your presence Lord,
For only You can save me.
Monday, March 16, 2009
For Sharon
44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Good tree = good fruits, Bad tree = bad fruits!
Luke 13:6 to 8
6Then he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. 7So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'For three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?'
8" 'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize it. 9If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.' "
The concept of good tree bears good fruit, bad tree bears bad fruit, by their fruit you will identify them.
So any area in life, if there is no breakthrough, repentance and surrendering is the key, because we're not seeing it from the way God wants us to see it = missing out on something. Therefore reject all the negativity and stresses that comes from it because it's not from God. And God is using his pruning scissors to trim the "peng zai" which is known as us as in potted plants. Any part which does not bear good fruit, he cuts it away and throws away! So don't hold on to it or take it back!
Empty me and fill me please dear God! :D:D:D
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Abnormal Beauty
Monday, March 9, 2009
Why being clean in our heart is so important
The interesting thing is the word “Kataras” is the same word used in Matt. 5 When Jesus said blessed are the “kataras” in heart for they shall see God. It has been translated pure wrongly. It should be translated systematically through the bible; blessed are those who are clean. How do we get cleansed? How do we get pure? By the word of God in our lives. Like a two-edged sword, it divides the spirit and soul so that Christ’s image can be seen clearly in your life. It is a “meno” process growing in our life. And as He reveals Jesus more and more to our lives.
There come a time when we will begin to have emphanizo the manifestation. The first work of the Spirit of God is more growing Jesus in us. At first your tangibility is not so clear. You can’t really feel or sense it. Some people get born again and they have tremendous experiences. Some seem to sense easier than others. But all of us still need to grow. There is a level of tangibility where you grow more and more and you are conscious of Ephesians chapter 3 where it is proportional to the strength to your inner man. As your inner man is strengthened more Christ dwell more. What happen if you keep that process on and on? It has to explore somewhere. It has to lead somewhere. It will lead to a point where the tangibility is very visible and the manifestation.
Blessed are the “kataros” in heart for they shall see God. What happens when it began to be tangible and it manifests. The second point you need to understand that emphanizo the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every one. The emphanizo is the manifestation and under the manifestation when you reach that point the Spirit of God began to bring a different flow on you. He began to enlighten you. Just as “meno” deals with your spirit man, emphanizo the manifestation has to deal with the eyes of our understanding. Eph. 1:17-19 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of glorious inheritance in the saints.
Notice in verse 18 your soul starts being affected. The eyes of your “dianoia” the understanding come. The spirit of wisdom and understanding produces understanding. It’s the second flow of the Spirit of God. And understanding come, knowledge comes, a higher realm of knowing. It comes through revelation and not acquirement. You can acquire all you want and cannot get it but when God shows you then you get it. It’s a different realm altogether. When the spirit of wisdom and understanding works He comes in only after the Spirit of the Lord has completed His work. When His presence comes to a certain degree then knowing becomes automatic. You don’t try to pick up things. You let His presence grow on your inside. When He grows to a certain level the knowing part is automatic. Its more the strength of His presence produces the degree of the understanding.
Let me quote from other people’s experience. Some of you read John G. Lake’s book. John G. Lake described an experience in his life when he was very hungry for the Holy Spirit. He cried out to God. What was he doing; abiding process. Abiding process is 2 fold love and the Word. Love for God and love for the Word. Then he says one day the Spirit of God came. It was so powerful that when he laid hands on one of the sick person and the other person who lay hand on the sick person felt the power of God flow to John G. Lake into the sick person out of the sick person into that person and he got thrown back. Then he described some of his experiences in Africa. He says that when he laid hands on somebody he knows exactly which organ was wrong.
Based on that I could substantiate what I am teaching in the word with more experiences by showing that how we know is proportional to the degree of the presence. If you know that the knowing in the spirit is proportional to the degree of His presence what should you do? You should not try to know. Knowing in the spirit realm is a different style. We are so used in this world’s way. We got to educate, we got to learn, we are so used to this world’s way. Knowing from the spirit realm is different. It is proportional to the degree of that person. So when you minister to somebody the higher the degree of God’s presence the more details you can know. The less degree of presence the less you know.
Look at Eph.1:18 Having the eyes of understanding be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you. According to the degree of light it will produce the same degree of understanding. Look at those 2 words one is the word understanding the other is the word enlightened. Can you see that there is a proportion? That the more light there is the more understanding there is. It is just like a natural illustration that when you go out into a dark forest the more light there is you see more. The less light you see less. Now the degree of light is proportional to the degree of His presence. The presence of God produces the understanding. And to know is more a degree of presence than the degree of acquirement. That is why the more you seek God’s presence the more intelligent you will be.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Ephesians 3:16 (New International Version)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
If you dream of hugging, you might be disappointed in love affairs and in business.
For a woman to dream of hugging a man, she will accept advances of a doubtful character from men.
Holding hands: Agreement.
Bathroom: Repentance; confession; desire; cleansing; removing; expelling. (Lev. 8: 5-6; 14: 8-9; Ps. 51: 1-2; 7-10; Rev. 21: 26-27)
Diseased: Offense.
Black: Opposite of white and purity; judgment of God; death; famine; sin; ignorance; darkness; demonic army; Jesus’ depth on the cross. (Rev. 6: 2-12; Lam. 4: 8; Jer. 8: 21; Matt 27: 45; Ps. 18: 9, 11; 97:2; 104: 2; Ex. 20: 21; Zeph. 1: 15; Joel 2: 2)
Choking: Too much too fast; hatred; obstacle that hinders; opposite of breathing in the Holy Spirit. (Mark 4: 19)
Crawling: Unclean; humility; to have been cursed; disgraced; snake; idol worship. (Gen. 3: 14; 1 Sam. 14: 11; Lev. 22: 5; Ez. 8: 10)
Crying: Grief; sorrow; anguish; repentance; prayer; judgment; humility; sadness; sometimes tears of joy. It is important to note what the dreamer is feeling while shedding the tears). (Mark 9: 24; Ps. 34: 6)
Bite: This dream omens ill.
It implies a wish to undo work that is past undoing. You are also likely to suffer losses through some enemy.
Hips: Also Loins: Loins; mind; truth; joint; offense between brothers; reproduction. (1 Peter 1: 13; Eph. 6: 14; Ez. 47: 4; Heb. 7: 10)
One: Also First: New; beginning; unity; timing; position or order primacy; deity; sufficiency. (Du. 6:4; John 17: 21; Matt. 6: 33; Ex. 20: 3; Rev. 1: 11, 17; 2: 8; Is. 44: 6; 45: 5-6)
Sleeping: Indifference; death; rest; unconscience; unaware (hidden or covered); ignorant; danger; laziness; refreshing; spiritual stupor; indifference. (Is. 29: 10; Rom. 13: 11; Ps. 127: 2; Prov. 20: 13)
Dreaming: To dream that you are dreaming, a message within a message, instruction from God; revelation of God's will or the future; keep dreamer from some evil; a vision; a deep Spiritual truth. (Gen. 40: 8; 20: 3; 28: 11-22; 37: 5-10; Matt. 1: 20; 27: 13; 19; Judges 7: 13-15)
Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you.
Serene's exams
international business. global business. corporate marketing. retail service marketing
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Matt 6 : 25 to 34
Do Not Worry
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his lifeb]">[b]?28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Some people today associate faith with being able to obtain possessions from God, but Jesus did not even associate it with seeking basic needs from God. Pagans seek those things, he warned (v. 32; compare 5:47; 6:7); we should seek instead God's kingdom and his righteous will (6:33). It is when his people care for others in need among them that God supplies the needs of his people as a whole, perhaps because then he can best trust them to use his gifts righteously (Deut 15:1-11; Blomberg 1992:126). In our lifelong plans and each day as we decide what to do with our life and resources, we have fresh opportunities to prove to God our love for him-or our lack of it.
Anxiety does no good. Jesus highlights this theme in Matthew 6:26, 34. Anxiety will not add even the smallest unit of time to one's life. Not only is it true that we cannot extend our life by worrying, but daily experience in our comparatively fast-paced culture confirms the wisdom of an earlier Jewish sage, who observed that worry and a troubled heart actually shorten life (Sirach 30:19-24). If much study is wearying to the flesh (Eccl 12:12-undoubtedly many a scholar's favorite verse), worry about wealth also banishes sleep and destroys the flesh (Sirach 34:1).
Unlike some ancient philosophers, Jesus never condemns people for recognizing their basic needs; their Father knows they need food and clothing. Yet he calls them to depend on God for their daily sustenance. Those who can trust their heavenly Father to care for them (as most first-century Jewish children could depend on their earthly fathers) need not be anxious concerning clothes or food.
Jesus paints his point in graphic word pictures. Like a typical sage, he finally notes that one has enough to worry about for the day without adding tomorrow's worries (Mt 6:34; compare Prov 27:1). Employing the typical rhetorical technique of personification (Kennedy 1984:60), Jesus further admonishes his hearers to let tomorrow worry about itself. Yet when Jesus forbids us to worry about tomorrow, this does not mean that concerns will never press upon us. It means instead that we should express dependence on God in each of these concerns. We should pray for our genuine needs (v. 11), provided we pray for God's kingdom most of all (vv. 9-10; most of Paul's "concerns" fit this category: 2 Cor 11:28; 1 Thess 3:1-5). The part of the future we must concern ourselves with and work toward is what he has revealed to us and called us to do (compare Mt 10:5-25).
Interpretation of out of body dream.
1st part : European painter in European church : All gifts are given by God. The man with the ability to paint is not by his own effort but through God's gifting.
Paint: Doctrine, truth or deception.
Painting: Also Drawing: Covering; regenerate; remodel; renovate; love. (1 Peter 4: 8; Matt. 23: 27; Titus 3: 5; Acts 18: 24)
2nd part : Person who died is spiritually dead. And this person is a born again which is why the spirit is dead. A person who is not born again cannot experience spiritual death because he would not be aware of what is light and what is dark.
Foreigner: Also Sojourner, Stranger, Unknown Man and Alien: Not of the fold; someone to view with care; not a citizen of heaven (because of not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord); wanderer; cursed; no longer a part of the world (as living in but not being of). (Gen. 11: 1-9; Lam. 5: 2; Ruth 5: 10; Matt. 8: 20; Eph. 2: 19; 3: 1-6; 1 Cor. 4: 11; 1 Peter 2: 11)
Now it makes more sense to me because when I asked God why couldn't this person be saved?
He did show me, an angel trying to break the person's fall, but the person still died.
Apparently it isn't enough. And the fact that it was revealed to me if 2 people had grabbed the person's arm, the person would have been saved. For one person alone could not pull the guy up from the balcony.
The reason why I entered into the dead person's conscience or body just before he died is symbolically showing that God wants to breathe life back into this person.
And I know who she is.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Why the order of loving God 1st and people 2nd?
36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'b]">[b] 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'c]">[c]
Because if we love people more than we love God, worries and fears will overwhelm us. To love God first means that despite how much we care for others, we should not attempt to carry their burden. Their burden is for God to carry and hence we shouldn't try to step into God's role. By placing ourselves under worries and anxiety is not in God's will. We need to draw a clear distinction between loving God and loving people. To recognise this is to hold fast onto what belongs to God, ie the fruits of the Holy Spirit and reject all other things not from Him.
There is nothing wrong with loving people. But it is wrong to love people more than to love God.
Only when we are able to clearly differentiate between the 2 choices, then we are in His liberty/freedom to choose.
Our role is simply to bring forth truth or light.
If you allow your vessel to be filled with darkness, how can you bring light?
Mt 6:22 | The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. |
Mt 6:23 | But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! |
eye means in Greek Word: Ojfqalmovß
Transliterated Word: ophthalmos
Definition | |
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Out of Body Experience?
The first scene, there was a painter in the middle of this European church.
The painter was able to paint because it was a gift given to him.
In a split second, I traveled through time and through places.
The second scene, I was at Cineleisure. I watched someone plunged to death.
Then I asked, why couldn't this person be saved.
The reason was simple, if there were 2 people holding on to each of his arm, they could try to pull him up.
And he dangled from the balcony of 3rd floor/4th floor. At that very moment, I entered into his conscience/train of thoughts. I could literally hear what he was thinking and feel what he was feeling.
The moment he hit the basement, he stood up, walked for a bit, before his body was gone.
But he's still walking around the basement as though he didn't die.
This was the part I woke up because I freaked out.