Tuesday, June 30, 2009
keys to the glory
i recommend these few episodes
keys to the glory episode 46
future glory episode 41
expanded glory episode 40
tidbits: quantum physics of the glory episode 39
4 keys to e glory
1) praise n worship
2) holiness/consecration
3) fasting n prayer
4) sacrificial giving
praise n worship is more than just what we do at church
it is to start with praise until the spirit of worship comes. then u switch over to worship until glory comes.
when glory comes, that's the time to pray, that's when u stand in the glory n proclaim verses n promises into our lives.
and once we speak it is done because we are speaking in god's presence
n the secret to carry the presence of god/glory whenever u go is to continue to immerse in whatever praise/worship song the HS puts in your head for the rest of the day.
then words of knowledge will just flow, visions revealed, blueprints for the future will be made known to u
n the 2nd key... holiness/consecration got a few techniques
firstly once u have the glory resting on u right... whenever there is sin... repent immediately.... cuz u will know when the presence is removed.
don't waste time in guilt, otherwise glory comes n leaves, intimacy is the way to do it. Reason being, if u live in God's presence it's much harder to sin!
the other key is repentance and blood of Jesus
only legal way to god's presence is through blood of Jesus.
so if there is any sin that we cannot overcome on our own... we have to ask god to break the power of sin. the ball lies in the court of the believer, it's got to be a desire to pursue god and to live in that glory all the time.
so basically sat service signs, miracles, wonders is very good for ckrm... it's teaching us how to bring down the glory of god
but it is still up to each individual at the end of the day whether they want to carry the glory throughout the day
keep doing that everyday
pretty soon u'll start moving in the glory realm
prayer... sometimes don't need to be those super long half hour prayer
it can be as simple as speaking forth a particular verse.
there's no standard template on how prayer should be done... except through the leading of the HS n must be in god's will la
truth be told... it is warfare
Now that made a lot of sense because of all the hindrances at home and intense outbursts, was because for the past few days I prayed for the blood of Jesus to cover my entire house, floor, walls, ceiling... and they must be awfully pissed with me.
Further confirmation with the Lord revealed that the monk felt the repercussions of our prayers and he has been praying against us. When we went on to ask the Lord for the specific spirit to wage warfare against, a number was revealed to us instead, 3,000.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Failings of a daughter
My dad is a traditional Chinese cultured man. He spoke few words, preferring to shoulder all the responsibility and burdens of the family onto himself. My mum never understood his intentions. Whenever things go wrong, she would start pushing the blame to my father... and the cycle went on...
Hence in my teenage years, I started to bottle everything up, choosing rather to swallow everything on my own than to even confide in my parents. Who would understand? If I told my mum, I would only earn her resentments. If I told my dad, I feared his temperamental outbursts which would only lead to more domestic violence.
I knew my mother never accepted me as what I am. No matter how hard I tried to get the grades in school, to try to do well, to even secretly work while studying. I never fit into her fixed criteria of a "good and obedient daughter." Reason being: I never finished JC, never went to NUS like my cousin who is doing a double degree, never went to NTU like my older cousin who majored in accounting. And gossip relatives only do more harm than good during family gatherings, which is another reason why I hate CNY and all its bitchy unneccessary comparisons. It's not that I don't want to finish JC, but what is the right price to pay? Is it right that I graduate with triple science, enter into some prestigious university and become like one of those local snobs who don't even know how tough life is? When my best friend sacrificed her education and dream just to see me through JC1. Is it fair that she failed? While I passed without making any effort? And because of me, I took her dream away... This is just one of the many things which I can never tell them why I chose to drop out at JC2, why I ignored everyone's comments that I was mad. Deep down inside, I was never meant to be some doctor or scientist, not because I can't make the cut.. but because my dream, my passion, my life... has always been in arts, in music. I can't live my life out in a lie. I'm sorry... I just can't do it. I have already ruined a person's future. Must I ruin more people's lives just to satisfy her hopes for me? *stops to wipe away the heartbreaking tears*
I'm not like my cousins who have no social life, who has never experienced hardships or setbacks, who has never shared the tears and sorrows of other people. They have sheltered lives. Good for them. I'm not jealous, because of what I have experienced, it made me a better person, it made me more aware of the sufferings of others... of the pain of the people around me. This is a price I gladly pay... because if i didn't go through all these, I wouldn't be at where I am today... with a calling, with a purpose to live for, to fight for.
How do I tell my mother or father why I stay up late? Just to pray, to worship God, to read the bible? Will she understand that I have people calling me up as late as 2am, 3am, crying on the other line, with their hearts breaking, their lives and future at stake? Will anyone want such a ministry when you need to be available for people almost 24 hours a day? Simply because you wouldn't know when would things crop up. I'm not a superwoman. I'm just a human, trying my very best to keep everything together for everyone.
When a relationship fails, it's always the fault of both parties. The differences in our mindsets just makes things worse. I'm not perfect, I do admit my failings as a daughter. I do apologise to my dad and mum for my transgressions. Just like how I pointed out to my mum whenever she resents my dad on why things never worked for the past 20 over years. I told her blankly in her face, a man needs a wife who is supportive of him, and not tearing him down. That's exactly why my dad didn't quit smoking. He smoked because he had no one else to turn to. He felt that no one understood the difficulties that he is facing, which is why he chose to swallow everything and keep quiet... only to release it through smoking? So is smoking the root cause? Hardly! It is the fact that communication has broken down that is the root cause of all these problems! Over the years, my dad turned from an aggressive man into a passive man, just letting my mum have her way all the time. Even my dad's pride has been broken to a point that he even admitted to both my mum and me about his failings.
God is the only anchor in my life. He is my biggest miracle. And even though I admit that I am doubtful of my circumstances now... but I know... ginosko... that I have a future in Jesus. Why should I even be bothered with earthly accomplishments when I have already set my eyes on the heavenly treasures? A true walk, will not only consist of the joy and victories, but more importantly of the testings, trials and sorrows, which is part of the character molding process. I want to let everyone know that I am only human, ain't perfect, sinful yet justified through His blood. Only at the end, God, You are the one left standing... to prove everyone else wrong.
PS. I sincerely offer my apologies to everyone who was at the water baptism today... I never expected things to turn out this way.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Parable of the Three Servants
Word equivalent: from a presumed derivative of the original form of tlao (to bear, equivalent to (5342))
1. the scale of a balance, a balance, a pair of scales
2. that which is weighed, a talent
1. a weight varying in different places and times
2. a sum of money weighing a talent and varying in different states and according to the changes in the laws regulating currency
1. the Attic talent was equal to 60 Attic minae or 6000 drachmae
2. a talent of silver in Israel weighed about 100 pounds (45 kg)
3. a talent of gold in Israel weighed about 200 pounds (91 kg)
Parable of the Three Servants
14 “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip. He called together his servants and entrusted his money to them while he was gone. 15 He gave five bags of silverb]">[b] to one, two bags of silver to another, and one bag of silver to the last—dividing it in proportion to their abilities. He then left on his trip.16 “The servant who received the five bags of silver began to invest the money and earned five more. 17 The servant with two bags of silver also went to work and earned two more. 18 But the servant who received the one bag of silver dug a hole in the ground and hid the master’s money.
19 “After a long time their master returned from his trip and called them to give an account of how they had used his money. 20 The servant to whom he had entrusted the five bags of silver came forward with five more and said, ‘Master, you gave me five bags of silver to invest, and I have earned five more.’
21 “The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!c]">[c]’
22 “The servant who had received the two bags of silver came forward and said, ‘Master, you gave me two bags of silver to invest, and I have earned two more.’
23 “The master said, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!’
24 “Then the servant with the one bag of silver came and said, ‘Master, I knew you were a harsh man, harvesting crops you didn’t plant and gathering crops you didn’t cultivate. 25 I was afraid I would lose your money, so I hid it in the earth. Look, here is your money back.’
26 “But the master replied, ‘You wicked and lazy servant! If you knew I harvested crops I didn’t plant and gathered crops I didn’t cultivate, 27 why didn’t you deposit my money in the bank? At least I could have gotten some interest on it.’
28 “Then he ordered, ‘Take the money from this servant, and give it to the one with the ten bags of silver. 29 To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. 30 Now throw this useless servant into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
Talents = Faith represent the currency in heaven. It is the substance of things hoped for.
Notice that God didn't specify what should be done with it or how it should be done. The method is not important. It is up to us to determine how far our faith can stretch. If we pray for healing and we believe that it will only take part in stages.. then the same measure will be given to you... Reason being: God has no limits! But it is us humans who often set a limit!
The important part is He wants us to use this faith, invest it, GROW it! How it should be done is as according to His Will.. Salvation, deliverance, healing etc...
So if you desire to step into his glory zone.. where thousands will be touched and saved.... Instead of ministering on the level of gifts and anointing where one will feel drained out easily... Use your faith in prayer and ASK FOR IT!
"How many want to do God's will in the glory zone?
God can increase those realms in the glory, you can have a gift outside the glory. You can be backsliden and living in sin and still be operating in the prophetic, still know how to operate in some healing! Those mechanics in the new age group do it.
How many want to do in the glory? It's DIFFERENT!
In the gift you go onto the street, you even know how to do dream interpretation but it's in the flesh though. You guys you know the biblical way to do it, but still not doing it in the glory. Anything can be done outside the anointing or glory. You go onto the street give a prophetic word to someone that's straight on or heal him, they go,"Thank you"... but it doesn't impact them because the presence doesn't impact them because the presence of glory wasn't around it. It doesn't get into their soul, into their physical body or they get a word,"Ah that's cool. Thanks." They don't come to church.
But you walk in with the glory and you just, "Hey how ya doing?" and they start crying because of the presence of God. And if you do give a word of knowledge and they do get healed, not only do they get healed, there is a glory attached to it. And they say,"OMG I never felt so great in my life... What is this?!" It is not just the gift, but the glory came in. "I need more! I never felt so close to God! I need to have what you have!" It is not just the actual gift or the manifestations, but it's the glory. You need the gifts, but you've got to be in the glory realm for full impact! How many want to operate in the glory, not just in the gifts? Not just whip out a few miracles and be accurate in the word of knowledge... but in the presence?"
David Herzog
5 From the throne came flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder. And in front of the throne were seven torches with burning flames. This is the sevenfold Spirit[a] of God.
Isaiah 11:2 (New Living Translation)
2 And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and might,
the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Prophetic Chatroom
*Prophetic_Process*: and I hear the Lord say visions
*Prophetic_Process*: I hear that clarity is coming
*Prophetic_Process*: and I hear that the Lord is defining you for ministry
*Prophetic_Process*: I hear that you have a healing ministry
*Prophetic_Process*: and I sense that there is greater power in your right hand
*Prophetic_Process*: I hear that mysteries will be unhold to you
*Prophetic_Process*: and I hear great depth
*Prophetic_Process*: I hear that this is a time that you are being align and positioned for your destiny.
*Prophetic_Process*: and I also hear the word bankrupt
*Prophetic_Process*: I believe the Lord wants you to come closer
*Prophetic_Process*: in your worship and prayer
*Prophetic_Process*: I sense that He wants to ignite you
*Prophetic_Process*: and thrust you into ministry
*Prophetic_Process*: I sense a pastoral anointing
*Prophetic_Process*: you are a leader
*Prophetic_Process*: and I hear the word banner
*Prophetic_Process*: I hear you shall go forth
*Prophetic_Process*: You will do the work of the Lord
*Prophetic_Process*: sense a protection of the Lord around you
Monday, June 22, 2009
Hosting His Presence
As our own faith increases—in conjunction with our realm of authority and responsibility—we are allowed to carry a greater weight of presence into an environment. The “reach” of His presence is transformational in nature, changing the climate that people live under. It is what happened on the day of Pentecost when the Spirit of God fell on 120 people. It completely changed the appetite of a city that only days earlier rose up to crucify Jesus. After the Spirit of God began to manifest and rest upon this group of 120, thousands spontaneously dropped all they were doing to come and gather around them at nine o’clock in the morning. When the prevailing atmosphere is the presence of God Himself, hunger is created in the hearts of people. It is normal to hunger for God.
As we become faithful to host the presence of the Lord, we find a tension between two realities—that He has been given to us without measure but that we set the limits of that measure. Though all of the measurements are set up on our end of the equation, we can experience the measure of presence we are willing to jealously guard. Whatever you will jealously guard, that is the measure you will have on a consistent basis. All measurements in the Kingdom exist for us to pursue increase. The whole Kingdom is based on this principle: the faithful use of what you have been given is what qualifies you for more.
This is the process we will experience in the coming days, for the glory of the Lord will cover the whole earth!!
Written by Bill Johnson
Press in!
I want to reveal Myself to you in greater measure, to delight your heart and satisfy your soul with My presence. In My presence is fullness of joy, and nothing, nothing in this world can satisfy you in that deep place inside that's meant for fellowship with Me alone.
When you press in, spend time with Me, and seek Me with all your heart, I will be found by you, and will indeed reward you with more of My presence in Your life.
Let My word dwell in you richly, and My Spirit will bring My words to your remembrance at appropriate times, and quicken My words to you so that they are emblazoned upon your heart. You will learn to walk in step with Me, in My Truth, and your mind will be renewed to think my thoughts with Me.
I love you and want to be close to you - so press in!
Prophetic word by Karyn Sartor
How The Lord Led My Life Partner to Me
My name is Hui Lian. In my life, I struggled intensely with relationship issues. I’ve been through many heartbreaks and heart aches. But the Lord is so good, early in my walk with God, He brought a very special friend into my life. The first day when I met her in school, I knew that we would be friends till our lifetime is over. Her name is Adeline, and since the age of 15, she’s been praying for me to have a life partner. Over 10 years, she prayed for me faithfully, despite the fact that I had backslidden for 8 years.
It wasn’t until I was attending CKRM when during one the days when we were sharing and she suddenly brought up this subject of life partner to me again. It was really hard initially for me to raise this area up to God because both she and I were searching for healing for our broken hearts. So what started out as pouring out and confession onto the Lord of what I felt inside, at the same time, I could feel her pain and her despair. But Adeline persisted and she told me this to encourage me to pray, “He’s coming soon, don’t worry you’ll definitely get married before the age of 30.” So I asked her, “How soon?” She replied me, “Very soon.. within next 3 months.” At that time, I still haven’t met Ivan, I was a newbie at school.
Then slowly, the Lord began to work, firstly through Diana, when she passed me this book, Captivating by John & Staci Eldredge. I was blown away when the biblical principles started to take anchor into my heart. It was then during that period that I started praying and asking God to fill up my mouth with His words and desires for the right partner who He wants for me.
So, every night, I would come before God to pray this prayer,”
Dear Lord, I pray that You will send me the right person at the right time. Let this person be someone who loves You dearly and genuinely, whose heart will hunger, seek and thirst after You. I pray that he will be someone who will draw me even closer to You and likewise I would do the same for him. That we will both support and grow stronger in You so that both of us can fulfill Your purpose. Lord I pray and I ask for someone who flows in the same spirit as I do, for someone who is able to understand me and likewise me for him, and the best conversation that we’ll have is just to sit beside each other in silence. I pray that my other half will be a mighty warrior in You, someone who will desire to do your will, a God chaser. Lastly, God, I pray that when the right person is here at the right time, You will either kick me or slap me in my face cause You know how awfully dense I am. I thank You Lord, In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
At that time, I started praying and asking God to open doors in my life so that I can reach out to more people. Out of the blue in March 2009, my classmate Celeste started to open up to me. It was through ministering to her that I got to know Ivan, Shu Yi, Malcom, Chang Feng, Pei Fen.
The very first time Ivan spoke to me, we talked about God. At that time when he talked to me, I kept praying in my heart and asking God what does He want to do with Ivan. And after Ivan told me what had happened in his life, I told him that he should not put to heart the words of man but to cling onto God.
The second time we spoke about God, I shared with Ivan my testimony and this time I took a step of courage by being more direct, I told him God wants him back.
After that, because the Lord gave me a dream regarding our classmate, I approached Ivan to ask him to help keep our classmate in prayer. It was when we pray for this classmate through msn then Ivan experienced deliverance for the first time in his life.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among Ivan. Ivan has seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
The weirdest part is all of our classmates would notice that we were able to finish each other sentences, and say the same thing at the same time. So they kept pointing this out to both Ivan and I on many separate occasions. However I brushed it off because all the while, my only focus was to bring God’s presence to everyone around me, and it just happened such that Ivan was an open door.
It was during exam period during our study week when it just suddenly hit me that Ivan was being sent into my life by God. The funniest part is at the point of realization, it felt like I was being slapped on my face and God was like telling me this,” Haha! See I told you so… you should be careful of what you pray for!”
When Ivan finally confessed how he felt towards me I didn’t give him an answer immediately. The whole night I couldn’t sleep so instead I rang up Crystal to seek for advice then after that I kept praying about it. Finally the next day I decided before making a decision, I should lay out all the cards on the table so at least he knows what he is in for. Then we had a really long talk, and I told him that I really wanted to follow and chase after God, to live a life of surrender and to flow in God’s power. I wanted to know if he loves God as much as I do and whether he’s ready to commit as my stand is very clear, I will not compromise if he didn’t fit into the criteria of my prayers.
So I went to seek further confirmation from Celeste, Sister Janet and Crystal. And God gave us the green light. Through endless hours of prayers and confirmation, it was not an easy decision as we faced a lot of obstacles.
I really thank God for putting excellent mentors like Sister Janet into my life because of her advice to speak forth and proclaim scriptures into each other lives, we grew from praying over msn into praying nightly together, usually spending over an hour in prayer for close friends and for CKRM. Thank God for Brother Timothy who acted as a fatherly figure in Ivan’s life. Thank God for Crystal who never fails to point out all the potential pitfalls so that we know what problems could potentially arise and to cover those areas with lots of prayers.
And slowly the Lord began to reveal and confirm my prayers, through Sister Janet, when she told me that God is pleased with us, through Brother Timothy, when he prophesied that Ivan is another mighty warrior, (see God is so good, He answers my prayers in parts!), through Adeline who laughed at me and said,” See I told you so!”
The following week, Ivan received the vision of the 2 swords, one silver representing masculine, and one crystal representing feminine. When Brother Timothy told him what the 2 swords meant, there will be a time whereby the 2 swords will merge and become one sword. It served as a further confirmation of what I’ve been praying for because I have never spoken to Brother Timothy on this area of my life, for our spirit to unite as one and we will both serve the Lord together.
I really thank God for His faithfulness throughout all these years. And I really want to thank God for placing all these angels into my life to guide me and lead me closer to Him. It is indeed an unspeakable blessing to be set apart in holiness to worship the Lord! And I pray that this testimony will encourage singles and families not to give up but to endure and believe in love!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Prophetic Words
If you are willing, you will enter into the purpose which God has prepared with you. And He will walk alongside with you.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Me: Bro Tim holding a small ball of anointing... then he asked me to step forth.. then the ball expanded literally... Even before he could drop it onto me, I was already leaning forward, unable to stand straight up... the weight of the glory was tremendously heavy. Prophetic word by Bro Tim,"Go!"
hahaha! So straightforward hor.. go where ah? Rofl....
Matthew 28
18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Go make disciples la! LOL see God is a humorous God!
And I have a crown!!!! WOOTZ!!!!!!!!!!! Yaay!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Lies of the enemy
My classmate once told me that a fortune teller told her that she will always be the 3rd party.
What a lie! And to think people listen to such nonsense and screw up their lives through such spirit of divination.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A Word of encouragement for those who are weary
Isaiah 40:30-31
Even youths will become weak and tired,
and young men will fall in exhaustion.
But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.
God is indeed good!!!!!!!
And for Songs of Solomon on Friday 19.06.09, they even used the exact same word to encourage everyone! Wow Praise God! Additional confirmation... hahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Then Dee n Mark turned and looked at me cheekily... LOL!!!! See the spirit of prophecy will always confirm itself! ahahahahah!!!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Water Spirit @ River Valley Dream
I was sitting in the lower deck, nearer to the back portion, my back was facing the right window seats.
The bus was on the journey back to my home.?
So the bus stopped at the bus stop as usual at River Valley area.?
Then when the door opened, this invisible "thing" boarded the bus.
The bus driver looked?nonchalant?as though nothing had happened so I was sure the bus driver didn't see it... but it saw me and i saw it and it knew I was able to see it.
It was totally invisible, see-through.. but I know it was there...
The "thing" is the height n build of a small boy roughly 10-12 years old.
I called it "water spirit" because when it walked, it left nothing but wet footprints on the bus floor.
It took around 10 steps and finally it chose to sit down on my left.
I was thinking why of all the empty seats it choose to sit beside me?
Then it turned its faceless head towards me and roared at me.
At that split second, it was like this image flashed across my head, this image of an enlarged head with no eyes, no nose, no mouth except for razor sharp teeth with it's mouth stretching across its face.
When I woke up my whole body had goosebumps. It felt weird to me.
Then I asked the Lord for confirmation if this dream is from Him, then i proceed to seek the Lord if it is okay to do warfare.
So I went back to the point where it turned and roar at me and I roared back at it 3 times before going to sleep.
Therefore I would like to seek help from everyone to confirm if the dream is from the Lord and to check if there is any interpretation concerning this dream.... Thank you all.. sorry for any trouble caused.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Bei Ai De Nu Ren by Coco Li Wen

在镜子前面 我是个被爱的女人
他站在门外 这个周末我可以依赖在他的胸怀
在情人面前 我还是单身的女人
为什么被爱 有时却觉得悲哀
为什么相爱 日子却依然空白
为什么你 走不到我的未来
让爱固定下来 我不会永远青春可爱
让爱固定下来 我和你 不要不要分开
* 我不是每次失恋后都能从新再来 *
为什么被爱 有时却觉得悲哀
为什么相爱 日子却依然空白
为什么你 走不到我的未来
让爱固定下来 我不会永远青春可爱
让爱固定下来 我和你 不要不要分开
My dear,
I pray that God will deliver you right straight into His hands. The love that you are searching for... only God is able to provide.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Demon named Deceive

Last night after waging warfare for a friend... I laid on my bed.
And it came... It crawled so swiftly and rested just beside me... staring at me... and I stared back.
Praise God for He sent Mama Faith to me as a wise counsel
and she guide me through the warfare...
Because i didn't know what it was... God revealed through Mama Faith that the demon is Deceive.
The funniest part was that after I roared, which I didn't tell her I roared, she commented that my roar was powerful and the enemy fled!
God is indeed marvelous!
I was suddenly prompted to pray for my mum for team healing...
Before we started team healing... I asked Ivan to boomerang my mum.
Then he prophesy to her and told her that she needed healing for her small intestines and large intestines because she had problems passing motion due to the previous injections.
And my mum confirmed that whatever was being revealed to Ivan was indeed correct.
Praise God!
As we lacked one person to be Aaron/Hur, I asked God to send an angel to be the 3rd person.
As the power of God fell on me, I prayed for good digestive system for my mother, for all the microvilli in her intestines to function properly.
After the team healing session, my mum commented,"I saw bright lights~!"
Wow praise God!
I believe when one in my household is saved, all will be saved!
Salvation is coming to my household!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Chariots of Fire
Saturday, June 6, 2009
My mum saw angels!
Then I laid hands on him and I prayed for God to show him a vision of the number of angels there are in my house.
Ivan replied,"Wow! There's so many? 3 over here, one sitting on the upper deck, another 4 walking around the kitchen and dining area."
Then I asked my mum if she wanted to know how many angels we have at home, so both Ivan and I laid hands on my mother.
"I saw 6 to 7 bright orbs," my mother exclaimed.
How the Lord blessed us for our exams
This is a testimony of how God actually helped 3 of us through our circumstances in school. Basically it was through Celeste (not CKRM Celeste) that I got to know Ivan and Shu Yi.
Shu Yi is a foreign student so her command of her English language isn’t good. Therefore she struggled with Law of Investment and Financial Markets and on top of that, due to the blood clot in her head, she often faint in school and suffer badly from anxiety attacks.
The time when I met Ivan, it was after the mid term tests. And I knew that time that Ivan had barely recovered from over-exhaustion. So it affected his grades, because he was hospitalized and he was not able to attend lessons, he didn’t make the cut for the Business Statistics mid term paper.
So during the 2 weeks of study break, Shu Yi, Ivan and I decided to study together to help each other out. But as the days draw nearer to the examinations, Shu Yi started experiencing extremely bad panic attacks as she couldn’t handle the examination stress so in turn she started to put pressure on Ivan for Law paper.
Well knowing that Ivan has not finished his revision for Statistics. I told him to concentrate on Stats first before helping Shu Yi because I know he has a soft heart. So we spent 3 days to finish the entire syllabus of Statistics, something which cannot be done based on human effort. God was so good to us, He provided Ivan the clarity of mind and the absorption power to tide him through.
And after our Statistics paper, we were left 2 days for Law paper. It is amazing that Shu Yi was able to finish the entire Law syllabus because she kept fainting and having anxiety attacks which were pretty bad to the point that she was rejecting whatever we were teaching her because she was so fearful of failing. But God is always faithful and good, as we sat at MacDonalds to study, both Ivan and I laid hands to pray on Shu Yi and she could feel the difference as she felt slightly better.
Then on the last day just before Law paper, because Shu Yi kept fainting and we had 7 more chapters to cover, as a method of last resort, I kept using the spear to empower both Ivan and Shu Yi because I knew Ivan was getting tired and frustrated that Shu Yi kept rejecting whatever we tried to teach her.
But the Lord was really good, I didn’t know why but I felt prompted to give the both of them a copy of my mid term Law project, so I photocopied my Law project for both Ivan and Shu Yi. Then for the main paper, it came out as a question on its own so we secured 20 marks.
The night before our exam results are out. Ivan had a dream and the Lord showed him his grades, so he knew he would score 3 distinctions and a pass. I’m really grateful and thankful to God that both Shu Yi and Ivan passed their weakest subjects. It is really through His strength that all of us are able to make it through for our exams. And lastly, I want to thank God because He gave me fantastic results, 2 distinctions and 2 high distinctions. Praise the Lord!!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Are You a Highly Sensitive Person?
A highly sensitive person can be described as someone that is overwhelmed by the senses. Having a nervous system that absorbs and processes ten times more information than the average person's leaves an HSP exhausted after a "normal" day of activity. Not only are they overwhelmed by their physical senses such as sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, but can be exhausted by their emotions as well. They tend to absorb the feelings and energies of others, which can be taxing on the mind.
It has been estimated that 15-20% of the population or 50 million people are highly sensitive. Among this population, there is a scale of sensitivity levels since some people are slightly sensitive while others are extremely sensitive.
Unfortunately in our society (specifically the U.S.), outgoing, bold, extraverted personalities are rewarded while sensitive personalities are treated as a flaw that can be overcome. Highly sensitive people have been around forever, but they have been mislabeled as shy, timid, inhibited, or introverted. Although some highly sensitive people do have some of these traits, not all of them do. In fact many highly sensitive people are extraverted (30%) and outgoing. An HSP may be seen as shy or inhibited, when they are actually just taking time to absorb their surroundings and consider all of the possibilities in a situation. Once they have processed this information thoroughly, they are quite comfortable responding with confidence and precise actions and words. Another explanation is that they just might be trying to avoid the stress of over arousal in a particular situation.
Your friends and family who love you have probably always told you to "not be so sensitive," as if sensitivity were a flaw. Well, sensitivity is not a flaw. Highly sensitive people tend to be extraordinarily creative and productive workers. In relationships, they are usually attentive and thoughtful partners with acute listening skills and compassionate hearts. Most are also intellectually gifted individuals. According to Dr. Elaine N. Aron, pioneer in the sensitive personality type, “HSPs could contribute much more to society if they received the right kind of attention.”
Questions to Find Out:
Do you get overwhelmed by stimuli such as lights, noises, and smells?
Do other people’s moods and emotions deeply affect you?
Are you easily startled?
Do you become uneasy when someone is watching you complete a task?
Do you become tired easily after a “normal” day of activity?
Are you aware of other things in your environment that most other people are not aware of?
Do you become agitated or anxious when you have a lot of tasks to do and not enough time to complete all of them?
Do you avoid disturbing or violent movies, books, or T.V. shows?
Do you feel the need to escape and retreat when there is too much going on around you?
Are you deeply interested in the arts or music?
Do you dislike changes in your life?
Do you enjoy delicate tastes, scents, sounds, soft fabrics, or beautiful works of art?
Have you always been labeled as shy or sensitive by other people?
Are you overly conscientious?
Do you seem to be more sensitive to pain than other people?
Are you sensitive to certain foods such as foods containing caffeine, sugar or alcohol?
Do you become unpleasant when you are hungry?
Do you easily sense the energies of places or situations?
Are you easily touched by others' experience, stories of kindness, and courage?
Are you attracted to the deeper things such as spirituality, self-development and philosophy?
Do you need time alone?
Are your feelings easily bruised?
Do you have a vivid imagination?
If you answered "yes" to the majority or all of the questions listed above, you are most likely a highly sensitive person. If you answered yes to only a few of the questions listed above, you may still be considered a highly sensitive person.