Logically, this is what I've discovered.
1) Revealed knowledge affects confirmation.
For example, if i am seeking God on which church I should be planted in and I have 3 choices:
1) City Harvest
3) SAC
When I first prayed about it, the answer revealed to me is SAC.
However, subsequently, I come across another available option, example Lighthouse
and I choose to seek confirmation again, this time round my confirmation might be Lighthouse instead.
1 Corinthians 13:9-13
For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
Reason being, the more things that God reveals to us, our confirmation will change.
A frog sitting in the well, no matter what confirmations the frog receives is always restricted by the well opening as compared to a frog in the field. The frog in the field has a wider visual range.
2) Decisions and steps of obedience and disobedience affects confirmation.
This is the variable part of man. As we make prophesy in parts, the rest is up to the person him/herself to decide whether or not to walk in obedience or disobedience. An example is a man driving on the road, if he makes a wrong turn, the next stage of the prophetic direction will be direly different from what is originally given to him. Think in terms of the butterfly effect.
So for example
Stage 1:
Man receives prophesy that he will take up job offer, ceter paribus.
2 choices are available:
choice 1, man takes up job offer
choice 2, man refuses job offer
Stage 2:
Route A: Man takes up job offer. Now man receives another prophetic direction that he will evangelise out to his colleagues.
Route B: Man refuses offer. Now man receives another prophetic direction that he will receive another job.
The whole underlying point here is there is no such thing as a fixed prophecy, because man is always the variable factor and present prophesy is always build up upon past decisions. That's how the prophesy in part comes into play.
3) Grey areas of confirmation anointing:
a) Willingness of person to listen which will result in neutrality or the lack of impartiality.
b) Interpretation
c) Closeness of relationship with the person who gives u the confirmation anointing. Are you open to receive confirmation from strangers or family members? This results in lack of impartiality.
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